Evangelist Amba, a Servant of God

Amba Ministries is focused on general intercessory breakthrough prayers, healing, counseling, deliverance and mentoring under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Names of The LORD

Praise Him. The GOD of Great Powers we praise YOU. You are The GOD of Great Wonders. Holy, Holy, Holy […]

The Cross and Hell

The Book of Acts 17:24-31 tells us that GOD made the heavens and earth. The universe belongs to Him, the […]

The Risen Savior 2

There is Someone I know; His name is Jesus. Do you know Him? Have you heard about Him? He is […]

Encounter with GOD

The Book of Acts 9:1-6 tells us that Paul, then Saul had an encounter with The LORD which transformed his […]


The Book of James 1:12 tells us that “Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been […]

The Veil

2nd Corinthians 4:3-4 declares that “even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. Whose […]

Salt and Light

The book of Matthew 5:13-16 tells that “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its […]

Let Us pray

“I am One crying in the wilderness for forgiveness” (Message from the HOLY GHOST) and peace “but above all, put […]