Brothers and sisters, do we truly love the Lord who is our Father, our Maker, our Rock, Our Champion? The One who truly love us?
Is Church the building or the people?
Are we able to attend a Church that cannot afford to buy chairs? Are you able to sit on the floor? Do we love Jesus enough to sit on the floor?
Think about this for a moment. Why is it that the Hindus who are not even believers sit on the floor when invited to Church and they are hungry to hear the word of God? A dusty floor or ground, why not me? Why not you?
My very first visits to India, the Lord said, Amba, sit on the floor with my people and preach. So, I and the interpreter sat on the floor, but the interpreter said sister can you sit on the floor, and I said yes. Can you sit on the floor if the Lord ask you to?
Do you truly love Him? Do not worry about your clothes, do not worry about what people will think about you. It is not about the private jets and luxury cars, but to win souls for the kingdom of God. To reach the unreachable and love the unlovable. Go to the ends of the world and proclaim the good news Mark 16:15 tells us, “Jesus said to His disciples, go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (The Great Commission). Are we doing what Jesus said we should do?