The Parables of Hidden Treasure and the Pearls demonstrate the kingdom’s value. The kingdom represents where God rules, unlike worldly kingdoms where satanic and human influences control, God alone reigns in the kingdom of heaven, and His kingdom is both a present reality and a future expectation of things to come.
We must remember that there is a cost associated with following Jesus, for us to truly be under Jesus’ rule, one must constantly make sacrifices. One is constantly faced with opportunities for obedience; disobedience is costly, sometimes that means being willing to surrender perfectly good things out of love for the Lord.
The kingdom of heaven might cost us relationships, jobs, security, and maybe even our lives.
In these two parables, Jesus wants to encourage us, there is nothing more valuable than the kingdom of God. We must make Jesus number one in our hearts, and our priority. God knows we can never pay the price for our sins, so He sent Jesus to pay the price for us. Now, all we must do is believe in Jesus, and we can receive the greatest treasure in the world.
The Book of Matthew 13:11-17 and 1Corinthians 2:7-8,14 makes it clear the mysteries of the kingdom are hidden from some who are unable to hear, see, and comprehend these truths. The disobedient reap the natural consequences of their unbelief, which is spiritual blindness. Those whose eyes are opened by the Spirit, do discern spiritual truth, and are like the men in the parable, understand its great value.
The merchant stopped seeking pearls when he found the pearl of great price, which is Eternal life, and the love of God through Jesus Christ which makes up the pearl which once found, makes further searching unnecessary because Jesus Christ fulfills our greatest needs, our First True Love that satisfies every longing. He sanctifies us, Heals broken hearts, and gives us hope for the future. The “great price” is that which, was paid by Jesus Christ for our redemption. Yes, we are bought at a “High Price” He put on flesh and suffered for our sakes, He put on flesh to be whipped, suffered hunger and thirst, to be stripped naked, nailed whilst alive, and much more. Yes, He loves you and me.
What is the true meaning of wisdom? Wise people are those who think like God, wisdom is someone thinking the way God thinks. The treasures are hidden, indicating spiritual truth is missed by many and cannot be found by intelligence, power, or worldly wisdom.
Lord, please help us to see the circumstances in our lives the way You see them.
Wisdom helps us to see the kingdom of heaven the way it is, for example, there might be a treasure/gold which is buried in the ground and the Lord points it out to you.
The kingdom of God is to give up things to obtain things/something. For example, when one sows a seed in the Church or helps the poor, you give up something. When one prays, you give up something, (your time) some things can wait while you pray.
Jesus wants us to understand the real value of prioritizing this kingdom above all things. In both parables, one might trade all valuables to get this hidden treasure, our Sweet Jesus.
Brothers and sisters, we need a relationship with God-a deeper prayer for a deeper revelation.